Certified Naturally Grown
Welcome to a new, humane way to omnivore.
Animals belong on the land, grass land, with sunshine, and fresh air, period.
This is the way nature’s God intended for His creation to thrive. Properly managed, there is a graceful and energetic interaction between the land and animals. The land feeds the animals and the animals feed the land and together they create a synergistic whole that keeps the ecosystem working. A synergism that keeps carbon sequestered, rain falling where it should and stored where it is supposed to be stored and the green plants effectively cooling the earth during the heat of summer.
The way animals are raised matters.
It matters how animals were raised before they make their way to your grocery store, your home, and your table. Buying only naturally and humanely raised meats means that that the animals had ample space to express their natural behavior and were not kept in any sort of cage or confinement system. It matters what animals ate on a day-to-day basis. The meats from Falster Farm on Pasture 365™
animals are provided a vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. It matters that animals are NOT given hormones, antibiotics or arsenicals that would promote weight gains unnaturally and cause the animal undue harm.
It’s simple, really. The healthier and happier the animal, the healthier and happier the consumer.
We strongly believe that the consumer should get to know the farm that produces the food that they eat. We don’t expect that we can produce everything, but we can provide the basics of your breakfast, lunch and dinner creations: non-GMO chicken, turkey, pork, 100% grass-fed beef, and smoked meat and charcuterie.
Most all of our commercial customers bring their staff for a Farm Day, where the chef and wait staff get to see the “back room” of the Honestly Grass Fed operation here on Falster Farm, but not everyone can come see us, and get to know us. So, we have sought and gained Certification from an internationally know accountability source that has no “loop holes” for the big corporate farms.
Bon appétit to healthy meat.
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Talk to Us
Please call 903-629-3034, or text 210-737-4527 . We are here about all the time, but we rest on Sunday. Review Us
Want to share your experience, good or bad? We are always striving to improve our product and welcome all feedback. Please contact us today.